Family Liaison Information
I would like to say a big "Hello" to all the parents/carers and children at St. Stephen's Primary School.
You will see me on the playground at the start and end of the day, so do feel free to come and introduce yourselves. I am here to help and will try to support you in any way I can, if and when you need help with anything.
Sarah Cattley, Parent Support Worker
Fun family things to do !
National Trust
More useful info...
Change for Life
Please check out the documents and websites below, they may be helpful to you with healthy eating ideas and suggestions, and with year group and school changes ('Transition').
These days, ’modern life’ can mean that we’re a lot less active. With so many opportunities to watch TV or play computer games, and with so much convenience and fast food available, we don’t move about as much, or eat as well as we used to, the Change of Life website has lots of helpful information.
Little Book of Goodness
Preparing for change at school